Thursday, December 22, 2011

Trying something new

Hello Again, So i have a quick simple update about my niecey poo Mia!

So as we've seen in my last post Mia likes to sign herself up for lots of different things. We;; Most rescently she entered herself in a casting call for disney i believe! She's really shy sometimes but she has very good speech and when it comes to reading lines she's brilliant at it.

Well She had an audition this past Saturday! We were so excited for her - she was taken by her mom and we gave her lots of tips on what to do and say!

At her reading, she couldn't remember all the lines, she was really good when they helped her remember a few words but for her 1st time putting herself out there she did pretty well. Good enough that she had a call back. Unfortunately it was right when she was headed out of town and they wanted oodles of dollars to start and it was not doable that that time. Well there are other opportunities but I'm proud of her for putting herself out there and trying new things!  

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