Well I saw on their site that they were looking for people to write articles for them and I saw another request for freelance writers at naturally curly and I thought to myself, "I could probably write for them?"
Naturall Curly is offering $25 per 500 words but I don't know ... I mean who can sit there and write $500 words about HAIR? So i decided to write for Natural Hair Community. I submitted my first article earlier this week and I just happened to be featured TODAY on their website. I am so excited. I messaged everyone i knew!
I think I did pretty well for a novice. My plan - to use my experience writing for Natural Hair Community and then move on to freelancing for $$ at Naturally Curly to show my experience.
Click on the Natural Hair community link to check out my article.
Thanks for these tips!!! So encouraging to me, since I’m a newby. I thought that it was extremely simple and valuable! I have curly hair and it is difficult to take care of it consistently… And if you want to know more about how to take care and Style your hair and how to be new and diverse consistently, simply check my 4C hair blog